Wednesday, November 11, 2009


If you know you throw pretty lame jokes, I will make sure to throw you a pity laugh once in a while.
If you have two heads, I will make sure to knit you an extra pillow.
Some of them have the nerve to even promise yearly family VACATIONS to the MOON. Oh! This makes sense. NOT!!! Are you kidding me? Who would believe this lies if not themselves.
To a politician this is his/her way of making life 'easier' for the citizen and also a way of garnering votes once their lies dupe voters into putting them into office.
Can you believe these clowns? They got some nerve? huh!
I think some of them even believe their 'promises' to be true.
In such circumstances psychiatric hospitals come in handy.
Now comes my question, how can you promise change when you've had the same family haircut for as long as I can remember and not forgetting the fact that you have been wearing the 'same' suit and tie for the past campaign season.
We love them, we love them not, we won't get rid of them not. One true promise: Like it not, they are here to stay.
I promise to make your reading and commenting pleasurable and an out of this world experience. Just because I used the term PROMISE doesn't mean am running for office.

Ovi Mail: Making email access easy

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